Junior Rugby Update
Hi All, We’ve received information from the rugby union about the upcoming season for Junior [...]
Procedures for practice {updated for 100 person limit}
Participants need to be prepared to practice with the following in mind Must be able [...]
iDMe covid tracing instructions
iDMe is one of the tools provided by sporty who handle the registrations database for [...]
Planning for a Return to Rugby
Today the NZRU released some more information about the resumption of community rugby.You can read [...]
Hundy Club profiles
Hundy Club Profile: Chris Te’o Chris played for OBU for most of the 90s (1992-2000) [...]
The Trivial Goat – NZU Trip to Australia 1927
This is the first in our new series ‘The Trivial Goat’. This is where we [...]
Staying in touch during the lockdown
So its come to this…. We’re all stuck in our houses/flats waiting for the all-clear. [...]